This blog will be sporadically update as I see fit. I go through periodic bouts of activity in my hobby and am in no way consistent. It will include modeling, painting tactics, battle reports and fluff relating to my army. I am not claiming to be an expert in any of these fields, simply sharing my journey towards a fully finished army.
A little history may be required. My brother and I have been avid Warhammer Hobbyists since a very young age and we have spent years building up our respective forces. Our first tentative reaches into 40k came with my brother obtaining a second hand Blood Angels force. Complete with an extremely old dreadnought, my brother hit the field, guns blazing while I was still marshaling m
y Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf army. However, he soon tired of his devastators rushing across the field and clubbing terminators to death with the butt of their lascannons, so he scrapped the Blood Angels. Though I managed to save the dreadnought, now lovingly referred to as Eddy the Dready, most of that army is gone now. My brother would later replace it with a Imperial Guard army and eventually his ork infantry army.

<----- Old Eddy, saved from my brother's uncaring grasp, though his weapon has been lost! Its fun to use as it is generally older than many of the kids who ask what the hell it is.
It was my brother who gave me my final push over the edge into the abyssal descent into Chaos. One fateful day, he was off at an auction, an event to which I was unable to go. He won a box set of his choice. He chose the Chaos force and handed it off to me. It was assembled in no time and I was planning my army from then on. I had finally settled on an Iron Warrior army kitted out with a whole bunch of Missile Launchers when tragedy struck...GW changed the Chaos book in ways too horrible to comprehend (bitter much?). I had played all of one game against my brother's Guard army under those rules and I had to adjust my army list to fit this nerfed codex. The more I poured over the rules, however, the more I began to settle on a rough army list. By this time, my brother had shunted his guard army to the side and all but given up on his loyalist space marines. Knee deep in Ork boys, my brother always had a tale of his victory to impart to me each week. He regaled me with the exploits of his 'undefeated' 1000 point Ork army until finally I had no choice. Mustering a force that I had no confidence in, I brought them against my brother.We played two 1500 point annihilation missions. I had to totally eliminate his units. His core units, and he had three of them, were 30 boys each. And I won. Twice.
This of course, gave me a renewed vigour to finish my Chaos Space Marines. It also made me rethink the harsh tone with which I approached the revised rules. While I still mourn the loss of many of the old codex rules, I have confidence that a playable, fun army can be dredged out of the newest Chaos codex. With about 1 and a bit of my squads already painted, my immediate goal is to create an army list to fight side by side with my brother in a doubles tournament.
Stay tuned for pictures, fluff and MORE
Revenge will be Mine!